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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Define educational planing | Different approaches to Educational planning| Educational Leadership and Management | BEd aiou Solved Assignment | Course Code 8605

Q No 5: Define educational planing Write a note on different approaches to Educational planning?

Topic: Educational Planning and Different Approaches to Educational Planning |
Course: Educational Leadership and Management | 
Course Code 8605
Bachlors/Masters/M.Phil/MS  in Education
Allama Iqbal Open University
BEd Solved Assignment Course Code 8605| AIOU | 1.5 Year | 2.5 Year | 4 Year
Part . 1


What Is Educational Planning?

Find out how a school district develops curriculum. Get information about how policies are implemented within an educational system. Often, these processes start through research by educational planning professionals. Schools offering Education Curriculum& Instruction degrees can also be found in these popular choices.

Educational Planning Defined

Educational planning strives to research, develop, implement and advance policies, programs and reforms within educational institutions. Educational planners might work at the local, national or international level to advance or improve education. While educational planning might center on pre-school and K-12 education, you could also work in postsecondary education as well. As an educational planner, you could work within educational institutions, government agencies, and private or not-for-profit organizations.

Educational planners typically hold graduate degrees. You might also consider becoming a licensed teacher or earning additional degrees in education. Administrators within schools or districts are commonly involved in educational planning.

Important Facts About Educational Planning

Professional Certification                                            Certified Education Planner
Required Education                                                     Bachelor's degree
Median Salary (2014)                                                 $61,550 (for instructional coordinators)
Key Skills                                                                    Interpersonal communication; analytical;                                                                                                           decision-making

Career Overview

As an educational planner, you might look at a number of issues, trends or policies that are affecting education. These factors may include cost, equality of access, new technologies, curriculum or learning and teaching methods. Some educational planners might work to help develop schools in a third-world country. You might also find yourself working with state or national agencies to shape educational standards. In addition to conducting research on educational policies,  you might train and help implement a program.

Career Outlook

Career statistics aren't available specifically for educational planners; however, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported projected growth for related professions. The BLS indicated a growth rate of 13% for instructional coordinators during 2012-2022, while elementary, middle and high school principals could see 6% growth ( The BLS indicated that this average employment growth is due in part to a need to fill positions due to retirement. 

Graduate Degree Programs

Educational policy and planning, educational administration and policy, or similar programs are the more common graduate degree programs available to prepare you for a career as an educational planner. Often, programs are multi-disciplinary in nature, blending coursework in education, sociology, political science and economics. Typically, curricula are based heavily in designing and conducting research. In addition to local, state and national education policy and planning, graduate programs might also include topics in international education.

1  Social Demand Approach:

This approach was used in the Robbins Committee Report on Higher Education in Britain. In India too, this approach is a popular one while opening new schools and colleges in particular

(a) To estimate the proportion of students completing school education and are likely to enter into higher education.

(b) To estimate how many of these successful school leaving students would actually apply for admission to colleges.

(c) To determine how many of the applicants should be given admission to higher education.

(d) To determine the length and duration of the study.

Thus, the major issue involved in this approach is to forecast future demands for seats keeping in mind social and educational trends as well as demographic changes. The underlying assumption in this approach is that expansion of education is beneficial to the economy and thus, additional expenditure on education would not create a burden too heavy to bear.This approach is more prevalent in those societies which favour traditional cultural values, where decisions are taken on the basis of public opinions (in a fragile polity and sometimes in a democracy) and in societies where the social environment is generally pessimistic in nature.

2. Social Justice Approach:

This approach emphasizes justice to the disadvantaged sections of society and is based on Article 45 of the Indian Constitution. This approach is aimed at making special provisions for the socially, economically and educationally disadvantaged communities for a longer duration. This includes opening Ashram schools for tribal areas, special concessions and scholarships, incentives and relaxation.

3. Rate of Returns Approach:

According to this approach, investment in education should take place in such a way that the returns from the investment are equal to the returns from other kinds of investment of capital, e.g., investment in industry. This principle is known as „equi -marginal returns‟ in economic theory and could be extended to educational sector.

This approach treats education as an investment in human capital and uses rate of returns as a criterion in allocation of financial resources. The approach implies that if the rate of return is low, expenditure on education should be curtailed.

However, in reality, it is difficult to apply this approach to education due to problems associated with measuring rate of returns in education.An educated person‟s earnings or rate of returns depend upon his/her innate intelligence, parental socio-economic status, motivation and aspirations. Hence, it is not easy to attribute the rate of returns only to education acquired. Hence, this approach is least frequently applied to education.

4. Manpower Planning Approach:

In this method, the general demand for and the capacity of supply of human resources in different streams of and at different levels of the educational sector are estimated.The approach asserts that the system of education produces the right quality of human resources with desirable knowledge,attitudes and skills in the right numbers and thus, education is directly linked with economic development.
The application of the manpower planning approach depends on these factors:

(a) An appraisal and analysis of the existing employment conditions and the system of 

(b) Planning the system of education vis-a-vis the manpower needs of the economy, 

(c) Using the financial resources (which are limited) in an optimum way so as to fulfill the demands of the employment sector without incurring wastage on account of unemployment.

(d) Making an appraisal of the number of students enrolled, the number of existing teachers and their qualifications, enrolment in teacher education institutions (availability of future teachers), as well as the existing number of school buildings, equipments, infrastructure and other facilities.

(e) The requirements of the employers regarding occupational and/ or professional qualifications for employees, their levels of training and abilities should also be assessed.

The manpower planning approach takes note of the fact that the teaching profession requires approximately 60% of the highly qualified human resources of a country which competes with the demand for manpower in other economic sectors.A detailed projection of the demand for human resources is difficult due to the uncertainty of productivity trends. Some developed countries such as Norway, France and Sweden estimate their future manpower needs so as to meet the demands of the 
economy whereas others such as Great Britain estimate the numbers to be educated on 
the basis of students‟ demands.

Related Topics
Educational Leadership and Management

Part 1

Why supervision is required in an educational institution | Supervision Vs. Administration | aiou Solved Assignment| course code 8605

Q No 4: Why supervision is required in educational institution how is it different from administration?

Topic: Educational Supervision | 
Course: Educational Leadership and Management | 
Course Code 8605
Bachlors/Masters/M.Phil/MS  in Education
Allama Iqbal Open University
BEd Solved Assignment Course Code 8605| AIOU | 1.5 Year | 2.5 Year | 4 Year
Part . 1

Answer :

What Is Educational Supervision?

Careers in educational supervision include being a principal and could involve keeping a school running on a day-to-day basis. Find out what's required to start a career in educational supervision and programs that could prepare you for these positions. Schools offering College Administration & Leadership degrees can also be found in thesepopular choices.

Educational Supervision Defined

Educational supervision is a term used to identify the work duties of administrative workers in education. Educational supervisors make sure the educational institution operates efficiently and within the legal requirements and rules. The purpose of this field is to make sure teachers and other faculty members are doing what they're supposed to be doing and that students are receiving the best education possible.

Important Facts About Educational Supervision Careers 

  •  Elementary/Secondary School Principals  

   Key Skills                           Leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making skills

2    Similar Occupations         Instructional coordinator, childcare center director, school/career                                                                                         counselor

3    Work Schedule                  Full-time, sometimes on weekends and in the evening, summers                                                                                         included 

4    Licensure                          Some states require licensure, unless you're employed at a private 

  •  Post secondary Education Administrators 

    Key Skills                       Organizational, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills
 2    Similar Occupations     Human resources manager, training manager, administrative 
services manager
 3    Work Schedule             Full-time, usually year round
4   Licensure                       Professional licensure is not necessary, though several years of                                                                              experience are preferred 

Career Opportunities:

There are many career opportunities available to you in educational supervision. These positions are all administrative positions like principal, assistant principal, dean, president, director, chairperson and department head. The duties of each of these careers are similar, but each has its own unique focus.

For example, principals and assistant principals work in elementary and secondary schools. In these institutions, you would be in charge of providing leadership for students and faculty members by setting performance goals and creating mission statements. In this role, you'll regularly visit classrooms to observe teachers and students in order to formulate proper performance evaluations of the educational process in your school.

 Working as a department head in a college or university is similar to being a principal.You'll focus on a specific branch and department of your school instead of the entire university. You're in charge of scheduling the classes for the department, managing professors, creating committees, coming up with budgets and addressing the concerns of students when necessary.

Educational Opportunities

Before getting into educational supervision, you'll normally have a career as an educator or teacher first. This requires the necessary licensure, bachelor's degree and teacher training. However, when you're ready to move into an administrative  position, it is ideal you pursue a master's degree or a doctoral degree. The majors for this career focus on educational leadership or education administration. These programs have classes like instruction supervision, public school law, organization and administration, administrative theory and classroom management.

To continue researching, browse degree options below for course curriculum, prerequisites and financial aid information. Or, learn more about the subject by reading the related articles below:

Educational supervision is regular supervision taking place in the context of a recognized training programme in order to determine learning needs and review progress. Patel‟s article effectively evaluates postgraduate educational supervision in one UK trust. This was a  mixed methods study in which educational supervisors and trainees working within a large UK trust were surveyed online about their experiences of educational supervision. In addition, observations of supervision sessions with a small group of supervisor and trainee pairs followed up by semi -structured interviews were conducted. The findings suggested methods to improve educational supervision and a framework was developed. The framework illustrates the need to improve student support during educational supervision.

This commentary explores the importance of mentoring during educational supervision. A mentor ship is a fortuitous relationship that fosters the development of the adult learner. Educational supervision offers the unique opportunity to be an effective mentor to the student. The mentoring can be informal or more formal within the scheduled supervision meetings. Mentoring should be recognized as an important teaching activity. During the initial educational super vision meetings, it is important to establish an effective relationship with the leaner and provide feedback on their current progress before offering specific guidance. Effective feedback is non -judgmental, timely and accompanied by reflection to help the  learner improve. The educational supervisor can then provide specific guidance to enhance academic, professional and personal development. 

Firstly, with regard to academic development, the educational supervisor can discuss learning styles, progress with training and time management. It is valuable to discuss the learner‟s personal development plan to check that this is specific, relevant and realistic. The personal development plan should include any relevant courses to attend and preparation for postgraduate exams. Educational supervision also offers the opportunity for reflection on career plans as students may be considering specific speciality choices. Career choices in medicine can be challenging for the trainee and supervisors can offer expertise regarding the different specialities, preparing the curriculum vitae, application processes and requirements.

Secondly, with regard to professional development, it is important that the supervisor ensures the learner demonstrates high standards of medical professionalism. There are numerous definitions of medical professionalism provided by major medical organizations. In the UK, the Royal College of Physicians of London‟s Working Party on Medical Professionalism has defined medical professionalism succinctly as „a  set of values, behaviours and relationships that underpin the trust the public has in doctors‟ with doctors being committed to integrity, compassion, altruism,continuous improvement, excellence and teamwork‟ [ 5]. The educational supervisor has the unique opportunity to read the workplace-based assessments of the trainee and can review the multisource feedback report and patient satisfaction reports, both of which offer information regarding the professional attributes of the trainee.

Thirdly, with regard to a trainee‟s personal development, the  educational supervisor 
can offer pastoral support. This is particularly important for students who may be 
experiencing some difficulties during their training and in these circumstances the 
supervisor should demonstrate compassion, empathy and a  non-judgemental, 
confidential approach. In addition, a new emerging theme in medical education is the 
importance of developing resilience [ 6]. Resilience has been described as an emotional 
competence and can be considered as behaviour to be acquired during training [ 7]. 
Educational supervisors can offer suggestions to develop resilience, avoid burnout and 
maintain a healthy work-life balance during training.

In summary, the educational supervision offers an important opportunity for effective mentoring. Educational supervisors should ensure high standards of mentoring and student support throughout the curriculum. The trainees should make best use of this support to ask questions, to discuss any concerns, to seek professional and career advice.

Simply put, management can be understood as the skill of getting the work done from others. It is not exactly same as administration, which alludes to a process of effectively administering the entire organization. The most important point that differs management from the administration is that the former is concerned with directing or guiding the operations of the organization, whereas the latter stresses on laying down the policies and establishing the objectives of the organization. 

Broadly speaking, management takes into account the directing and controlling functions of the organization, whereas administration is related to planning and organizing function.

With the passage of time, the distinction between these two terms is getting blurred, as management includes planning, policy formulation, and implementation as well, thus covering the functions of administration. In this article, you will find all the substantial differences between management and administration.

Definition of Administration

The administration is a systematic process of administering the management of a business organization, an educational institution like school or college, government office or any nonprofit organization. The main function of administration is the formation of plans, policies, and procedures, setting up of goals and objectives, enforcing rules and regulations, etc.

Administration lays down the fundamental framework of an organization, within which the management of the organization functions.

The nature of administration is bureaucratic. It is a broader term as it involves forecasting, planning, organizing and decision-making functions at the highest level of the enterprise. Administration represents the top layer of the management hierarchy of the organization. These top level authorities are the either owners or business partners who invest their capital in starting the business. They get their returns in the form of profits or as a dividend.

Related Topics
Educational Leadership and Management

Part 1

Steps involved in Educational Administration | BEd | aiou Solved Assignment | Educational Leadership and Management | Course Code 8605

Q No 3: What are the different steps involved in educational administration discuss them in detail?

Topic: Steps to do Educational Administration
Course: Educational Leadership and Management | 
Course Code 8605
Bachlors/Masters/M.Phil/MS  in Education
Allama Iqbal Open University
BEd Solved Assignment Course Code 8605| AIOU | 1.5 Year | 2.5 Year | 4 Year
Part . 1


Educational Administration is regarded as the process of integrating the appropriate human and material resources that are made available and made effective for achieving the purposes of a programme of an educational institution. 

The term “Administration” doesn‟t refer to any single process or act. It is like a broad umbrella encompassing a number of processes such as: planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling and evaluating the performance. The same situation occurs in the field of educational administration. The concept of educational administration is applicable in case of an educational organisation which has certain purposes or goals to fulfill.

In order to achieve these purposes or goals, the head of the educational organisation plans carefully various programmes and activities. Here the educational organisation may be a school, college or university. The head of the school/college/university organizes these programmes and activities with co-operation from other teachers, parents and students. He/She motivates them and co- ordinates the efforts of teachers as well as directs and exercises control over them. He/She evaluates their performance and progress in achieving the purposes of the programme.

He provides feedback to them and brings modification, if required in the plans and programmes of the school or college or university. So the totality of these processes which are directed towards realizing or achieving the purposes or goals of the school/college/university is called educational administration.

1. Educational administration doesn't refer to any single process rather different processes or aspects constitute administration. These are planning, organizing, directing, Coordinating and evaluation.

2. Educational administration is a non-profit making task.

3. Educational administration is primarily a social enterprise as it is more concerned with human resources than with material resources.

4. Educational administration is more an art than a science. The reason is that human relationship prevailed here can‟t be maintained by any set of formulae.

5. Educational administration is similar to general administration in many ways, but it is also dissimilar to general administration in many more ways.

6. Educational administration is a complex affair.

Objectives of Educational Administration:

As we know the very fact that educational administration needs integration and co-ordination of all the physical and human resources and educational elements. Besides this it requires a great efficiency with it based on human sympathy, understanding,knowledge and skill. The physical resources mainly contribute building equipment‟s and instructional materials.

The human resources include pupils, teachers, supervisors, administrators and parents.The additional elements comprise the various aspects of educational theory and practice including philosophy of education, objectives of education, curriculum, method of teaching, discipline, role of the teacher, rules and regulations etc.

These elements are “parts, made into whole” and are components brought into harmonious relationship. So the purpose of doing such vital task is to fulfill different purposes which are known as the objectives of educational administration.

These are:

1. To provide proper education to students:

This objective seeks to mention the fact that good education doesn‟t mean education at a very high cost as is practiced in modern public schools. Rather it means the right type of education from the right type of teachers within reasonable cost. This objective also implies quantitative expansion and qualitative improvement of education. 

2. To Ensure Adequate Utilization Of All Resources:

For adequate realization of the various purposes of educational programme there is the 
need of ensuring adequate utilization of all available resources-human, material and 

3. To Ensure Professional Ethics And Professional Development Among

As teachers are the senior and mature human elements to accelerate the programme in time their role is highly felt in this regard. They are to be encouraged and given the facility to devise and try out innovative ideas on instruction and to participate in service education programmes. In this context, it can be visualized that educational administration should aim at developing a desire for hard work, dedication and commitment for their job among teachers.

4. To organize educational programmes for acquainting students with the art of democratic living and giving them excellent training in democratic citizenship.

5. To mobilize the community:

Like general administration, educational administration seeks to maintain and improve the relations with the community. For this it should seek community support and co-operation for quantitative  expansion, qualitative improvements, smooth and fair examination in the educational system.

6. To organize co-curricular activities effectively for developing talents of students and work efficiency of educational teachers.

7. To get the work done:

The most important objective of administration is to get the work done effectively, efficiently and with satisfaction to the individuals and benefits to the society. 

8. To prepare students for taking their places in various vocations and avenues of life.

9. To train the students in developing scientific attitude and objective outlook among them towards all aspects and activities of life.

10. To ensure qualitative improvement of education:

Good education can be provided to students by bringing qualitative improvement in instruction. Regular supervision of teaching and guidance of teachers help to ensure quality teaching in schools.

Scope of Educational Administration:

11. The educational administration encompasses all the levels of education in its 


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Educational Leadership and Management

Part 1

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