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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Principles of Effective Teaching|Four aces of Effective Teaching| General Methods of Teaching | Course Code 8601| aiou solved assignment

Write down the Principles of Effective Teaching and the Four aces of Effective Teaching? 

Course: General Methods of Teaching 

Course code 8601

Level: B.Ed Solved Assignment


Richard T. Walls (1999) makes links between the "process" of teaching and the "student learning" (the product) in "Four Aces of Effective Teaching".

According to Walls (1999), student learning is better, faster, and/or more long-lasting when teachers play the following four principles:

  1. Outcomes
  2. Clarity
  3. Engagement 
  4. Enthusiasm

1. Outcomes

The outcomes enable students to focus their attention on clear learning goals. These outcomes inform students of where they are going and how they will get there. Outcomes also provide the teacher a framework for designing and delivering the course content. Outcomes enable teachers to assess student learning as a measure of their own instructional effectiveness.

2. Clarity

Effective teachers provide explanations and give details of the course concepts and content. If students DO NOT LEARN, it means the methods of delivery may lack the required degree of clarity.

So the teacher should make the message clear from alternate perspectives to alternate senses, the effective instructional practice of the teacher should allow students to make connections between the new material and the concepts that they have already learned.

3. Engagement

This principle suggests that students learn by doing. Teachers must create an educational environment that offers students the opportunity to practice every concept that they are learning. Effective teachers use instructional strategies that engage students throughout the lesson.

4. Enthusiasm

The principle of the high level of enthusiasm reflects the teacher's professional competence and confidence, the teacher’s subject matter knowledge, and instructional experience. Teachers establish a positive learning environment and show their enthusiasm for the subject matter. They use student’s names, reinforce student participation during class, and keep moving among the students.  

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